Tuesday 12 March 2013

0 Ivan Petrovich Pavlov Theory

Ivan Petrovich Pavlov (1849-1936) was a famous behavioristik associative conditioning theory of stimulus-response and this is what is remembered of it until now. He never had a serious obstacle in her career despite the turmoil in the Russian revolution.Pavlov was born in a small town in central Russia, the son of a rural orthodox priest. At first he intended to follow in the footsteps of his father, but the undo and went to university at St. Petersburg to teach in 1870. This is where the career of a Pavlovian start running until he was leading institute in Pavlovian Physiology Russian Academy of Sciences.He found that he could use a neutral stimulus such as a tone or light to form a behavior (response). In this case, the experiment conducted by Pavlov used dogs as test subjects.Here are the stages of the experiment and a description of the image above:The first image. Where dogs, when given a food (UCS) then autonomously dog ​​will salivate (UCR).The second image. If the dog was rung a bell so he does not respond or salivate.The third image. Thus, in this experiment the dog is given a food (UCS) after being given a bell (CS) in advance, so that the dog would salivate (UCR) due to feeding.The fourth picture. Once the treatment is done repeatedly, then when the dog heard the bell (CS) without being offered food, autonomously dog ​​will respond in the form of discharge of saliva from the mouth (CR).In this experiment on how to shape the dog's behavior so that when the bell is given he will respond to salivate even though no food is given. Because at first (Figure 2) dogs do not respond to anything when they hear the sound of the bell.If the dog is continuously given stimulus such as a bell, and then salivate without given a gift of food. The ability of a conditioned stimulus (the bell) to induce a response (saliva) will be lost. This is called the extinction or elimination.Pavlov posited four experimental events in the acquisition and removal of the following:1. Unconditioned stimulus (UCS), an environmental event through innate ability to cause reflex organismic. Example: food2. Conditioned stimulus (CS), A neutral environmental event paired with unconditioned stimulus (UCS). Example: The bell is a neutral stimulus in the pair with the unconditioned stimulus, such as food.3. Unconditioned response (UCR), a natural reflex generated autonomously or by itself. Example: drooling4. Respos conditioned (CR), and learned reflexes arising from the merger of the CS and U.S.. Example: discharge of saliva due to the incorporation of the bell with food.Given psychology behavioristik using an experimental approach, objective refleksiologis Pavlov remains outstanding model and unbeatable.If exemplified in real life Pavlov's theory can be applied. For example, to add attachment with your partner, if you have a spouse who "really like (UCR)" with chocolate (UCS). In each you meet (CS) with your lover then give a chocolate to your lover, autonomously he would quite like the chocolate you gift.In theory, when it is done repeatedly, then simply by talking to you without giving chocolate, then your spouse will autonomic really like (CR) with you, this can occur due to the behavior of the UCS, CS, UCR, and CR such experiment conducted by Pavlov. Interesting is not it? 

Brennan, James F. , 2006. History and Systems of Psychology. Jakarta: PT.RajaGrafindo Persada


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