Wednesday 20 March 2013



At first, our ancestors had to trade or sale, if any at that time only limited by barter or exchange of goods with the goods in the local market or market area alone, the market or the trade that occurs between people who live near or know each other so that the nature of their markets only regional.
Ancient times our ancestors beleum familiar coin so they make a deal with the exchange of goods with the goods. However, over time people started finding gold and silver as payment in doing transaksi.pada as the use of gold and silver they began to implement trade between regions, and even trade internasional.mereka set for a share something good by using a certain weight of gold and silver were equal value or approved by them.
Later developments overseas trade remained elevated itself ie international trade which includes exports and imports of goods and services began to increase so that people start to carry out international trade.
Nowadays people do trade both within the country and with other countries so that the payment using money as a means of payment for goods and services both payments both exports and imports both payment payments people always use money as a tool pembayaran.disamping it in payments between countries there is a specificity that is not in payment traffic in this negeri.hal deisebabkan because every country menpunyai own currency and the currency is valid as legal tender within specific geographical boundaries and regions also power itself will tetapitidak accepted by other countries as a means of payment unless there is an agreement and economic cooperation between the two countries.
Generally people a share exchange or foreign exchange would be accepted by the international community, generally obtained from Timor Leste expor.namun menpunyai not export high for a share of foreign exchange used to import menbayar results.
In the international balance of payments of Timor Leste in this regard Shop Store Timor pay for imports of goods both alcoholic beer is stellar and beer cans and other merchandise using the $ U.S. currency to pay for all transactions both exports and imports both payment payment of goods and services a country lainnya.karena different currencies and the exchange rate were to fluctuate from time to time will result in the number of imported goods dropped an penimpor currency decline.
In economic terms stated that if the value of the country's currency exchange rate strengthened against the other then it will be a lot negar import in other countries such as Timor menpunyai apabilaTimor $ exchange rate high on exchange rates of other countries as Timor Leste menggunaka U.S. $ U.S. currency, the Timor Leste to import more goods and services from other countries and vice versa U.S. $ exchange rate weakened against other countries then Timor Leste to import goods and services from other countries in small amounts.
Changes in international trade problems always happen sometimes cheap and sometimes expensive price this is caused by the exchange rate as an importer or exporter to use tool pembayaran.harga-price rise as a result of printing new money with the easiest, soaring wages at -when high unemployment pushing up prices of goods and services in the country steadily increased the impact on the overall economy.
Since the rise, the country experienced a slump in the country's economy is difficult to organize the import of goods and services from the country's very high because of all the expensive costs caused everyone not import so that the country's exports decreases causing deficits occur even in inflation-description as the description berkepanjangan.Dari above, the authors draw TITLE "PENGARUGH ANALYSIS AND INFLATION RATE OF GOODS"


In writing this paper the following problems can be formulated as follows:
1) Is the exchange rate and inflation affect the import of goods from abroad?
(Case studies on BPA Office and Shop Store Timor)


1.3.2 1.3.1 The purpose of the study is:

The purpose of writing this paper is to implementing the theories learned from all the courses like: Monetary Economics, Micro & Macro Economics, Economic Planning, Public Economics and economic development into the reality of life the people of East Timor.

1.3.3 The purpose of the study is:

Want to know the effect of the exchange rate and inflation on imported goods from abroad.
Want to know how much percentage rate and inflation menpengaruhi import goods from abroad.
To find out what the advantages of doing trade with foreign countries.

1.4 Usability
The usefulness of the research by the author in the preparation of this paper are:
1.4.1 Uses for science as a comparison of the knowledge gained in college banku with practice in the field.
1.4.2 Usefulness for decision-making.
ü The basis for making decisions on trade, exchange rate and inflation in the future.
ü As a means of controlling the implementation of the.
ü As a basis for the evaluation of government decision-making in times to come.
1.4.3 Usability Researcher
ü To understand an increase or decrease in the Timor-Leste economy is influenced by the exchange rate, inflation and imports.
ü As a tool to analyze the events that mengyangkut rising inflation and the exchange rate and the exchange rate and inflation reduction menpunyai economic impact on East Timor.

1.5 Scope of Writing Papers.
In writing this paper the author outlines hal2 causing an increase in the exchange rate and inflation on economic growth in Timor Leste and the effect of exchange rates and international trade in particular inflation on imported goods from abroad.
Obyak the authors focus in the study is the rate of inflation as well as imported goods and beverages.
1.6 Systematic Writing.
1.1 Background
1.2 Problem Formulation
1.3 Purpose and Objectives
1.4 Usability
1.5 Scope
1.6 Systematic Writing
2.1 Basis Toeri

3.1 Research Sites
3.2 Object of Research
3.3 Type of Research
3.4 Types of Data
3.5 Sources of Data
3.6 Method of Data Collection
3.7 Data in Need
3.8 Research Variables
3.9 Operational Definition
3.10 Research
3:11 Model
4.1 Results
4.2 Discussion
5.1 conclusions
5.2 Suggestions


Theory of International Trade (IMPORT)
Theory Heekseher - Ohlin trade patterns using the abundant factor intensively and import goods that use factors of production steps (Peter H.Lindert, 32; 1995)
According to Ricardo Reveals about the comparative advantages that each country has a comparative advantage in something and a share of benefits and menperdagangkannya lain.dari goods in exchange for the above theory can menimpulkan that every country in the world in international trade will export any goods produced at relatively prosperity will importing goods produced its own is too expensive (Peter H.Lindert, 23; 1995)
According to Adam Smith expressed toeri excellence muklat (Absolute Advantage) is a country gains from the conduct spealisasi.kegiatan production carried out on the goods in the country that efficiency is higher than in other countries.
Theory of Foreign Exchange Rates or foreign currency is the currency type used by countries lain.nilai foreign currency is a value that indicates domestic currency needed to get one unit of currency asing.suatu foreign currency and other factors factors that result in changes in the value of the exchange period panjang.pada There are basically three ways to determine the level of foreign exchange rate is free, stabilized the exchange rate.
free rate (floating exchange rate) foreign exchange rates are determined in a free market depends on the demand and supply of foreign currency.
Factors menpengaruhi to change.
ü Changes in public taste
ü Changes in export prices
ü The increase in general prices (inflation)
ü Changes in interest rates and investment returns

B.Kurs fixed (fixed exchange rate) is usually a fixed exchange rate is set by the government
And usually called official rate
C.Kurs in stabilizing (Managed floating rate) rate is usually held by international bodies in charge of the IMF's finances in order menperlancar international payment traffic at the exchange rate stabilized.

The theory of purchasing power perity (PPP)
According Gustava Bassel "Power perity Parchasing theory" says that the ratio of the value of one currency to another currency is determined by the purchasing power of money for goods and services. (Nopirin Ph.D.183: 1995)

Theory of Inflation
Inflation is the rise in the prices of goods generally constant within panjang.kenaikan goods are intended harga.Beberapa index measured using the price index used to measure inflation.
consumer price index is a parameter to measure the costs or expenditure required to purchase a number of items purchased by households living purposes.
wholesale trade price index focuses on major trade goods.
GNP deflator is a type of index that caps a the types of goods are different from both sebelumnya.GNP deflator index includes the amount of goods and services included in the calculation of GNP.
Inflation is a general rise in prices continuously and persistan of an economy (Hera Susanti, Moh.Ikhsan Widyanti 42: 1995)
Macroeconomic indicators of the 2nd agency issuing UI economics faculty.
According to the quantity theory of inflation is the main reason arises: excess demand caused by changes in the money supply (Nopirin, 177:2000)
Inflation may lead to a change in the pattern of distribution of income and wealth masyarakat.inflasi as if it were a tax man and a subsidy for others (Nopirin, 128:2000)
Inflation is nothing but a tax on cash balances held by the public as money increasingly worthless. (Boediono, 168: 1985)
According to a 1978 Ackley cited by Iswardono stated that inflation is an increase in constant prices of goods and services in general.
According Iswardono relative price change process is seen as a major factor causing inflasi.pendekatan is supported by three groups who call themselves fiscal and micksel group focused on things that are "non-objects" while this group puts money in penyebabnya.kelompok fiscal behavior of states that generally the result of government spending, tax structures and tax payers as well as the model budget deficits and fiscal kebijakn lainnya.kelompok micksel some explanation on antisioasi producer focused on profits.
According to Paul A.Samelson define inflation occurs when the price level and general expenses naik.dalam above understanding we can draw the conclusion during the time of the price and cost inflation increased in the same proportion and rarely the same rate of increase in the inflation rate. (296 : 1997)
Phillips curve is "choice theory" or the trade-off theory of inflation "in the view or theory of a state or nation can achieve lower unemployment if willing to sacrifice whatever inflation tinggi.selain it this bad choices (trade-off) can survive in the short and long term. (Paul A.Samelson and Wilhiam D.Norhhus, 327: 1997)


3.1 Research Sites.
In writing this paper was the study site Banking Off Payment Authority (BPA) and Shop Store Timor.

3.2 Object of Research

In writing this paper the object of the research is:
The exchange rate of USD against imported goods from abroad.
Inflation on imports.

3.3 Type of Research.
This research is a secondary data processing or data already available in the CPA and Shop Store Timor.

3.4 Data Types.
The data used in this study is that quantitative data is data in the form of the numbers can be calculated, which in this calculation to calculate the entire exchange and inflation that caused imports decreased or increased
3.5 Sources of Data.
The data used in this study is a secondary data or data that has been collected by others, namely Banking Off Payment Authority (BPA) and the Data Store Store Timor.

3.6 Data in Need.
In this study, the data required are: all data exchange and data on the impact of inflation on the merchant menpunyai small merchant market revenues (particularly imports from abroad)
3.7 Research Variables.
The variables in this study are:
1. The independent variables in this study are: the exchange rate
2. The independent variables in this study are: Inflation
3.8 Operational Definition.
Operational definitions here with a view to explaining the meaning of the title of the writing of this paper.
1. exchange rate is the value of a country's currency either high or low on the purchasing power of goods or services in transactions both transactions between local and international transactions.
2. Inflation is a situation where the price of general goods and services rose continuously impacting on the economy of a country.
3. Imports are one aspect of international trade is done between a country.


5.1 Conclusions
In writing this paper as for the conclusions that we take is as follows:
In discussing or writing of this paper the effect of inflation on imports is stronger than the effect of exchange rate on imports of alcoholic goods as the dependent variable.

5.1 Suggestion

In writing this paper as for suggestions that will be reported are as follows:
a) recommend to the government through bank BPA (Banking Off Payment Authority) to control the money supply so that ultimately menpengaruhi in a stable trade.
b) Judging from the results of the calculation of the influence of both the effects of inflation are equally menpengaruhi import so our hopes on the government to look at the future and menperbaiki barriers in import and export between the countries can work well.

Tuesday 12 March 2013

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0 Establish Prayer with the Heart Ikhlas

Disini saya akan terlebih dahulu menerangkan pengertian ikhlas yang dimaksud dalam bab diatas, yaitu jika seseorang menegakkan shalat dengan tujuan hanya karena Allah SWT dan mengingat akhirat. Jadi dengan melakukan dua hal tersebut, seseorang insyaallah akan mencapai tingkat kekhusu’an dalam shalat dan hati akan menjadi tenang. didalam QS. Al-Baqarah : 45-46, yang artinya: “ Jadikanlah sabar dan shalat sebagai penolongmu. Dan sesungguhnya yang demikian itu sungguh berat, kecuali bagi orang-orang yang menykini bahwa mereka akan menemani Tuhannya, dan bahwa mereka akan kembali kepadanya”.   
Karena itu memang hal yang tersulit dalam shalat itu menghadirkan hati yang ikhlas kepada sang pencipta yaitu Allah SWT yang Maha Kuasa. Ini bisa kita lakukan tapi kuncinya dengan sabar, tekun dan bersungguh-sungguh. Karena sifat ikhlas tempatnya dihati, jadi kita tidak bisa memaksa atau menyuruh seenaknya sendiri.



Study guidance and counseling program is a cultural institution that is able to produce professional guidance and counseling for the realization of a happy human life through the availability of services in supporting development and poverty issues in order to develop optimal individual, independent and happy.


a) General:
Organizing for the achievement Tridharma college courses products that can compete in the development and application of science, technology and the profession to meet the needs of society, through institutional performance autonomous and healthy.

b) Special:
Preparing undergraduate (S1) guidance and konselingyang have professional skills and implement guidance and koseling especially in setting education / schooling.

0 Ivan Petrovich Pavlov Theory

Ivan Petrovich Pavlov (1849-1936) was a famous behavioristik associative conditioning theory of stimulus-response and this is what is remembered of it until now. He never had a serious obstacle in her career despite the turmoil in the Russian revolution.Pavlov was born in a small town in central Russia, the son of a rural orthodox priest. At first he intended to follow in the footsteps of his father, but the undo and went to university at St. Petersburg to teach in 1870. This is where the career of a Pavlovian start running until he was leading institute in Pavlovian Physiology Russian Academy of Sciences.He found that he could use a neutral stimulus such as a tone or light to form a behavior (response). In this case, the experiment conducted by Pavlov used dogs as test subjects.Here are the stages of the experiment and a description of the image above:The first image. Where dogs, when given a food (UCS) then autonomously dog ​​will salivate (UCR).The second image. If the dog was rung a bell so he does not respond or salivate.The third image. Thus, in this experiment the dog is given a food (UCS) after being given a bell (CS) in advance, so that the dog would salivate (UCR) due to feeding.The fourth picture. Once the treatment is done repeatedly, then when the dog heard the bell (CS) without being offered food, autonomously dog ​​will respond in the form of discharge of saliva from the mouth (CR).In this experiment on how to shape the dog's behavior so that when the bell is given he will respond to salivate even though no food is given. Because at first (Figure 2) dogs do not respond to anything when they hear the sound of the bell.If the dog is continuously given stimulus such as a bell, and then salivate without given a gift of food. The ability of a conditioned stimulus (the bell) to induce a response (saliva) will be lost. This is called the extinction or elimination.Pavlov posited four experimental events in the acquisition and removal of the following:1. Unconditioned stimulus (UCS), an environmental event through innate ability to cause reflex organismic. Example: food2. Conditioned stimulus (CS), A neutral environmental event paired with unconditioned stimulus (UCS). Example: The bell is a neutral stimulus in the pair with the unconditioned stimulus, such as food.3. Unconditioned response (UCR), a natural reflex generated autonomously or by itself. Example: drooling4. Respos conditioned (CR), and learned reflexes arising from the merger of the CS and U.S.. Example: discharge of saliva due to the incorporation of the bell with food.Given psychology behavioristik using an experimental approach, objective refleksiologis Pavlov remains outstanding model and unbeatable.If exemplified in real life Pavlov's theory can be applied. For example, to add attachment with your partner, if you have a spouse who "really like (UCR)" with chocolate (UCS). In each you meet (CS) with your lover then give a chocolate to your lover, autonomously he would quite like the chocolate you gift.In theory, when it is done repeatedly, then simply by talking to you without giving chocolate, then your spouse will autonomic really like (CR) with you, this can occur due to the behavior of the UCS, CS, UCR, and CR such experiment conducted by Pavlov. Interesting is not it? 

Brennan, James F. , 2006. History and Systems of Psychology. Jakarta: PT.RajaGrafindo Persada

0 Motivation on Student

Understanding Motivation and Benefits
Motivation is an internal state that causes us to act, pushing us in a particular direction, and keeps us working on a particular activity (Elliott et al, 2000). Motivation is an important psychological constructs that affect learning and performance in four ways yaiti:a. Motivation improving individual energy and activity level (Pintrich, Marx, & Boyle, 1993)b. Motivation directs individuals towards a particular goal (Eclcles & Wigfield, 1985)c. Motivation raising initiative of certain activities and persistence in such activities (Stipek, 1998)d. Motivation affects learning strategies and cognitive processes of business someone (Dweck & Elliot, 1983).Another aspect that is often discussed is the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation or internal motivation orientation means that students demonstrate a desire to learn without the need encouragement from outside destiny. If the impulse response of the students refer to the outside then said that he had extrinsic motivation. The long term goal is desired by most parents and educators is to see students develop itself so that it has an intrinsic motivation to learn.There are several perspectives of motivation, such as behavioral perspective. This perspective emphasizes the importance of extrinsic motivation in achievement. According to this perspective, external rewards and punishments is a key determinant of student motivation. That's because a stimulus or incentives, both positive and negative events that can motivate student behavior.Theories of motivation1. Maslow's Hierarchy of NeedsThe most well-known concept of Abraham Maslow (1987) is self-actualization, which means that we use our abilities to the limits of our potential. If we can convince students that they will and can fulfill their promise, then at that time they were on the path to self-actualization. Self actualization is a concept of growth, students move towards the goal after fulfilling their basic needs. Growth toward self-actualization requires the satisfaction of the hierarchy of needs. Five basic needs in Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory is:1. Physiological needs such as hunger, sleep and so on. For example, students who do not have breakfast before bealjar teaching activities difficult to concentrate in class.2. The need for security is freedom from fear and anxiety (T) high.3. The need for love and ownership, referring to the need for family and friends.4. The need for self-esteem, including the reaction of others towards us as individuals and pandanagn us against ourselves.5. The need for self-actualization2. Weiner and Attributions About Sucess or Failure.Attributions theory is based on three basic assumptions (Petri, 1991) are:a. Abilities (ability): Attribution of success and failure have important implications in teaching students from assumptions about their abilities based on past experience. When a student has a history of failure, they often assume that they are less able. Studii Schunk (1989) on the relationship between self-efficacy and learning, reported that students who enter the classroom with the skills and experiences that affect their self-efficacy for initial learning. When successful, the students' sense of self-efficacy increases and in turn increase motivation.b. Effort (business): Weiner (1990b) found that students usually do not know about how hard they try to succeed. Students know their business by way of finding out how well they are in a particular task.c. Luck: Students who have low confidence in their ability to attribute, they will be considered successful as a result of luck.d. Task Difficulty: Usually assessed dariperforma others on the job. If many are successful, then the task is considered easier and vice versa.3. Operant Conditioning by SkinnerReferring to the B. F. Skinner (1971), behavior is shaped and maintained by its consequences. The consequences of previous behavior affects students. No components of internal motivation or intrinsic motivation as a major in the process. If students are collecting reinforcement for a particular behavior, they tend to repeat with force. If not, students tend to lose interest and their performance deteriorates. It is proven that positive reinforcement is the best answer. Students are given rewards when responding appropriately and not punished when a response is not appropriate. Students will feel free and happy when they are inside and outside the learning situation because they have created a pattern of behavior yan result in success, a happy relationship with others, and a deserved result.Skinner stated that tells students that they do not know something does not give the slightest motivation to them. Instead, give small amounts of material quickly give them positive reinforcement. Reinforcement method is more appropriate to use when students are experiencing high anxiety about learning, low motivation, or have a history of academic failure.Factors Influencing Student MotivationSome things that affect student motivation are:1. FearAnxiety is an unpleasant sensation often experienced as a feeling of fear and general irritability accompanied by restlessness, fatigue, and a variety of somatic symptoms such as headaches and stomachaches (Chess & Hassibi, 1978, p. 241).Since our attention primarily referring to. anxiety, we must realize that the intense and extreme motivation that produces high anxiety has a negative effect on performance. Motivation was a desired level in the study of complex tasks. Yorkes-Dodson law is the principle that states that the ideal motivation will decrease when the intense difficulty of the task increases.2. Curiosity (curiousity) and interestCurious behavior is often described by other terms such as exploratory, manipulative, or more or less active have the same meaning as that curious behavior. According to Loewenstein (1994), curiousity is cognitively based emotion that arises when students realize that there is a discrepancy or conflict between what he believes is right about the world and what is actually happening.Approximately the same interests and are associated with curiousity. Interest is retained characteristics expressed by the relationship between learning and the particular activity or object (Deci, 1992).3. Locus of ControlLocus of control is the cause of a behavior, some people believe a thing is caused by something that is in them, others believe it is due to something that is beyond them. Individuals who attribute the causes of behavior are factors outside themselves known individuals with external locus of control, and vice versa when coming from within oneself is called an internal locus of control.4. Learned helplessnessLearned helplessness is the reaction of some individuals in the form of frustrated and simply give up after repeated failures (Seligman, 1975). Three components of learned helplessness has particular usefulness for the class are:a. Failure to initiate action means that students who have experience learned helplessness tend to not try to learn new material.b. Failure to learning means that although the new direction given to the students, they are not my study of any of it.c. Emotional problems seem to be with learned helplessness. Frustration, depression and feeling incompetent appear regularly.Strategies for Increasing MotivationHere are some strategies that can be done to improve student motivation, namely:a. provide competent models that can motivate them to learn.b. Creates a challenging atmosphere and a high level of expectationsc. Mengkomunukasikan the students that they will receive academic and emotional support.d. Encouraging students' intrinsic motivation to learne. Work with students to help them set goals and plan and monitor progress.f. Selecting learning tasks that stimulate student interest and curiosity.g. Using technology effectively.Socioeconomic DifferencesSosioeconomic status (SES) is a common social and economic position of a person in the community (including family income, occupation and education level). SES a family (whether SES high, medium or low) gives the meaning of their position in society or how flexible they are in life and what they are buying. How big is their influence in political decision making, educational opportunities they can offer to their children, and others.Students with low SES groups are of different maca (Sidel, 1996). Among them were from families unable to meet their basic needs (such as food, clothing and shelter) but do not have the money to lavish. Another group lives in the lives of even the most extreme poor, and this group has a higher risk for academic failure and in need of care and support (support).There are several factors that may contribute to low achievement of students with low SES. Students who only have 1-2 factors that influence can still perform well in school. However, students face a lot of factors that affect the SES have a greater risk for academic failure. These factors, among others:1. poor nutrition. Nutirisi which may adversely affect school performance, both directly and indirectly (Byrnes, 2001; Sigman & Whaley, 1998; RA Thompson & Nelson, 2001). Teachers should be able to take the necessary steps to ensure that the students are met nutrition. For example, teachers should ensure that all students can get nutritious food cheap or free programs that have been organized by the school (Ormrod, 2006).2. inadequate housing (Housing inadequate)3. emotion stress (emotional pressure, such as depression, anxiety, etc.)4. gaps in background knowledge (knowledge gap about the beginning)5. less parental involvement in school activities and homework (Lack of parental involvement in school activities and homework)6. lower-quality school (school quality is low), etc. (Omrod, 2006)The research gives reason to be optimistic teacher to students with low-income backgrounds have performed poorly when the teacher is also committed to helping them and giving them a strong academic program and support their learning efforts.Learning Strategy ElaborationLearning strategy is elaboration learning strategies which adds additional ideas based on what a person already known before (Ormrod, 2006). Elaboration is to associate an item to be remembered with something else, such as the phrase, scene, scenery, places, or stories (Papalia, 2004). Srategi learning effectively used if the idea were added according to the inference. The implication of this learning strategy is to encourage students to explore the information itself, for example, to draw conclusions and speculate about the possible implications. Children use his prior knowledge so that new ideas can be extended, so can store more information than is actually presented. Elaboration certainly help students learn and remember the material in the classroom is more effective than it otherwise. Children begin to elaborate since the beginning of the preschool experience (Fivush, Haden, & Adam, 1995 in Ormrod, 2006). Examples of the use of elaboration is when a child is 11 years old and remember the line musical staff (E, G, B, D, F) by associating them with the phrase "Every Good Boy Does Fine"Middle Childhood Cognitive DevelopmentPiagetian Approach: Children in the Concrete Operational StageAt age 7, referring to Piaget, children enter the so-called concrete operational level, so named because at this level the children can use mental operations to solve concrete problems (actual). Kids can think more logically than before because they can take a lot of aspects of their situation. However, they are limited msih in thinking about the real situation at this time and in this place. The children at the concrete operational level can perform multiple tasks at a higher level than what they can do at the level of preoperational first. They have a better understanding of spatial concepts, causality, categorization, inductive and deductive reasoning, and conservation.1. Space and Causality (spatial and causality)Children at this stage can better understand spatial relationships better. They have a clearer idea in seeing how far the place is from another place and how long it took to get there, and they can easily remember the route and signs along the way. The experience has a role in this development - a child who walks to school would be more familiar with their neighbors outside the home. The ability to use maps and models and to communicate spatial information increases with age (Gauvain, 1993 in Papalia, 2004). The view that there is a cause and effect also increases during middle childhood. When children aged 5-12 years were asked to predict how the scale of the lifting and the balance will be indicated by the number and weight varies placed at varying distances from the center, children age old lebuh give more correct answers than younger children (Amsel, Goodman, Savoie, & Clark, 1996 in Papalia, 2004).2. CategorizationCategorization includes capabilities such as sorting, Transitive inference and class inclusion. Children show when they will understand when they can sort ordering of objects in a particular order to any one or two dimensions, such as weight (lighter or heavier), or color (lighter or darker). Transitive inference is the ability to recognize the relationship between the two objects to determine the relationship between each of them and a third object. Inclusion classes is the ability to see the relationship between the whole and its parts.3, inductive and deductive reasoningInductive reasoning is a type of logical reasoning that moves from the observation portion of the members of the class to generalize about the class. While deductive reasoning is a type of logical reasoning that moves from the general premise of the class to conclusions about some member or members of the class.4. ConservationIn solving various types of conservation problems, children in the concrete operational stage can figure out the answer in their heads, they do not have to measure or weigh objects.II.1 B memory and other processing skillsWhen a child begins to enter the school year, they are making steady progress in its ability to process and retain information. They are more understanding of how memory works, and this knowledge allows them to be able to use the strategy, or plan to assist them in remembering. In addition, in line with the expansion of their knowledge, they become more aware of the various kinds of information that are important to note and remember.During the period of middle childhood, increased reaction time, and speed up the process for some tasks sharp as unneeded synapses, or neural connection in the brain trimmed (Hale, Bronik & Fry, 1997; JANOWSKY & Carper, 1996; Kail, 1991, 1997; Kail & Park, 1994 in Papalia, 2004). Furthermore, more efficient processing of increasing the amount of information that a child may be stored in working memory, make a better recall more possible and more complex, higher-level thinking (Flavel et al., 1993 in Papalia 2004)